Booking Form for Members

NOTE: Booking to shoot is exclusively for members of Bronte Archers!

Please Note: By booking a session you are agreeing to abide by the rules set out in the Risk Assessments, Shooting Procedures and AGB’s Rules of Shooting.

All bookings will be on a first come first served basis.

Outdoor Risk assessment is available HERE


  • Confirmation will not be given for outdoor shooting until a minimum of 2 archers wish to shoot in the same session.
  • Shooting Procedure for Outdoor Range available HERE
  • Guidance for roping out available HERE
  • To view available/confirmed/pending slots on the calendar and to view Rawdon Meadows calendar please click HERE
  • Bookings made at short notice may not get an approval email, but you can shoot if there are already 2 confirmed archers on the calendar

Please Note:
The days and times available to shoot outdoors are subject to change. Other users can prevent outdoor shooting during certain times, these are usually marked on the calendar

7 Days a week outdoor shooting available, when the field is available

Due to ground maintenance, Friday morning sessions start time is 10.30am

Maximum of 6 Archers per outdoor boss – with a maximum of 3 on a single detail


Shooting Procedures available HERE

Our Pavilion Indoor Range is available from: 8.30am-8.30pm 6 Sessions per day Maximum of 4 archers per session at any one time.

Morton Hall Indoor Range is available Tuesdays and Fridays 6.00pm-9.00pm from 3rd October 2023 to 19th December 2023.

To view available/confirmed slots on the calendar please click HERE

Should you wish to cancel a booking you MUST let the web admin know as soon as possible. This will give other members availability to book or allow us to inform the other archers on the outdoor session if necessary.


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